Unwinding practice day for craniosacral therapists

Whole body fascial unwinding week-end workshops is for craniosacral therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists and massage therapists. This can be done as a Day of practice with myself now. The day practice is only for people who have done unwinding and to strengthen their skill of unwinding. It will be run in north London and depending on how many people will be attending. This is a day of CPD (6 to 7 hours).

Price is 95 pounds paid via bank transfer. Contact me directly for this. The day will be led only by me

The week end with in October 2023 is gone, but other opportunities can come.

The day will be only for therapists who already know the unwinding.

Below is the week end of October 2023 plan.

What therapists said about this course

“Thank you for the lovely healing weekend, I feel more confident with unwinding”

” Thank You and Douglas for this amazing week-end, I learned a lot, applied some techniques to my clients this morning”

Demonstration of head unwinding

What fascia unwinding will do for your clients and amazing Fascia unwinding can indeed be approached as an active form of meditation. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind and cultivating a state of present-moment awareness. It can be done in various ways, and fascia unwinding can serve as a unique and engaging form of active meditation.

During a fascia unwinding session, the practitioner or individual actively engages with their body and the sensations that arise.

The gentle movements that their system will do naturally when they are engaged will allow their mind, to stop thinking and the movements will distract them from being in their cycle of thoughts.

Here are some aspects of fascia unwinding that align with the principles of active meditation:

1. Body awareness: Fascia unwinding encourages individuals to tune into their body’s sensations, such as tightness, warmth, or subtle shifts. This heightened body awareness brings attention to the present moment and helps anchor the mind in the physical experience. For the body this can be used for trauma, frozen shoulders, injuries once they are healed, to allow the fascia to let go of holding on, emotional and mental blocks and energetic toxic release. Somato Emotional Release of possible feelings and emotions trapped in an area of the body, joints, from childhood. Amazing on baby’s trauma and on children with anxiety.

2. Focused attention: During fascia unwinding, practitioners often concentrate on specific areas of the body, observing the sensations and changes that occur. This focused attention on the physical sensations can help still the mind and cultivate a state of mindfulness.

click here for a different person of head unwinding

3. Breath awareness: Conscious breathing is a fundamental aspect of many meditation practices. In fascia unwinding, individuals are often encouraged to engage in deep, mindful breathing, which can enhance relaxation, promote body-mind connection, and support the unwinding process.

4. Non-judgmental observation: In active meditation, the practice involves observing experiences without judgment or attachment. Similarly, during fascia unwinding, individuals are encouraged to observe sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise without labelling them as good or bad.

This non-judgmental attitude fosters acceptance and cultivates a sense of presence.

click here to see 1st video of shoulder fascial unwinding on a person that worked with the arms a lot as an artist and stressed about study (Maria Esposito video), the unwinding is intense as their nervous system has been like that for many years.

Click here to see the head unwinding sample (Maria Esposito Video)

5. Release of tension: As fascia unwinding helps release physical tension and restrictions in the body, it can also contribute to the release of mental and emotional tension. By actively engaging in the unwinding process, individuals may experience a sense of letting go, relaxation, and a clearer state of mind.

Engaging in fascia unwinding as an active meditation practice can provide numerous benefits. It allows individuals to cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies, release stress and tension, and promote overall well-being.

Overall, fascia unwinding can serve as an engaging and beneficial active meditation practice, providing an avenue for cultivating mindfulness, body awareness, and emotional support.

Maria Esposito BSc (Hons) bio: Working from my heart is my main way of working, which opens up the heart of everyone I work with! I work with a sound scientific background with the healing and spiritual intuition within all my sessions, from nutritional NAET working with allergies, over-reaction to food, hay-fever and more, to craniosacral therapy for babies and mothers trauma, colic and more, adult trauma, tiredness and feeling out of space, to empowering my clients with Neuro Linguistic programming, Mindfulness meditation exercises (becoming present in your life at all times)!Mostly I connect with the heart of babies and people, to find the best solution for their problem, if my therapies are not enough then or the person needs to be signposted to another therapy I will. Quite often people already have seen many therapists and hence they manage to find me at the end.

“I know for the scientific background that our brain is capable of healing ourselves, and this is the greatest gift of being human, finding one of the many possible solutions for the person coming into my sessions, is part of that!” 

All practical workshop:

The entire workshop will be a deep and experiential way of healing yourself and your clients with various tools. Note down how you feel at least a day before the workshop starts eg: Physically, mentally, spiritually (if in tune with it), is your life stuck somewhere for work, family or play? note down as much as possible. As this workshop will be an amazing healing time for you as a person and therapists, you will be asked to note down how you feel at the end of it, and two weeks after.

Price for both is 95 pounds paid via bank transfer to Maria Esposito TSB  code 308472 account 24603860

Invoice and CPD will be emailed.

Payments via pay-pal is £ 5.00 extra, any request of payment in this way, just email me and I will email you an invoice through pay-pal.

New: Support Facebook craniosacral therapy group just copy and paste to see what is about, any craniosacral therapists including students can join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1367031110649058/

Without movement, there is no growth

Without love, there is no peace

Without awareness, there is no true path

Without light, there is only darkness

Without peace, there is no healing

Without Earth, there is no human

Without soul, there is only physical body and no humanity

Without forgiveness, there is no peace

Without opening our mind, there is no awareness

When we open our eyes, mind, ears and heart and speak our truth to ourselves and others, there is understanding, awareness, forgiveness, peace and an INFINITE AMOUNT OF LOVE. Ariami Marpisa 08/11/2018

© Maria Esposito BSc (Hons) R-Nutritional Therapist – NAET for allergies – R-Craniosacral Therapist – NLP – Angel Guide Certified – Mindfulness Meditation teacher- Resilient heart (heart-Math) (trauma tools) – Certificate for Trauma –

New: Support Facebook craniosacral therapy group just copy and paste to see what is about, any craniosacral therapists including students can join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1367031110649058/